Selasa, 24 April 2012


This way
Looks so long
So cruel
So full of stone

But when I get tired
I look back
Realize, how far I have been walked
 If I wanna stop here
Isn't it too bad?

Although pure water almost dry
Although the sun has been too hot
Although my feet has been exhausted
I must keep walking
Walking and walking

There, yes, there I see the perfect light
The perfect eternal light
Can I?
Why its so hard just to be confident?
Do they feel the same feeling with me?
Do they have a feeling to give up like me?
Or they go running to reach the light?
Should I go running too?
Should I erase this tears by my self and keep running for being winner?
And how if I lose?
No, I don't I won't lose!!
I must be the winner
Yes, I must go running
I must be confident
I must take the doubt away
I must work three times harder than them
Yes, I will win

Hey, people who always doubt of me and my dream!
Watch me!
-Inspired by song >> Depapepe - This Way
And it will be nice if you read when you listen to Depapepe - This way song. Enjoy it :)

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