Selasa, 24 April 2012


This way
Looks so long
So cruel
So full of stone

But when I get tired
I look back
Realize, how far I have been walked
 If I wanna stop here
Isn't it too bad?

Although pure water almost dry
Although the sun has been too hot
Although my feet has been exhausted
I must keep walking
Walking and walking

There, yes, there I see the perfect light
The perfect eternal light
Can I?
Why its so hard just to be confident?
Do they feel the same feeling with me?
Do they have a feeling to give up like me?
Or they go running to reach the light?
Should I go running too?
Should I erase this tears by my self and keep running for being winner?
And how if I lose?
No, I don't I won't lose!!
I must be the winner
Yes, I must go running
I must be confident
I must take the doubt away
I must work three times harder than them
Yes, I will win

Hey, people who always doubt of me and my dream!
Watch me!
-Inspired by song >> Depapepe - This Way
And it will be nice if you read when you listen to Depapepe - This way song. Enjoy it :)

Rabu, 18 April 2012


Kadang, ada kalanya kamu merasa bosan
Padahal itu kesukaanmu
Kadang, ada kalanya sesuatu bosan terhadapmu
Padahal pada awalnya dia mengejarmu
Dan ada saatnya kamu tidak boleh mengelak, diam
Yang harus kamu lakukan hanyalah tersenyum
Sampai harapan besar itu terwujud...

.... Dan abadi

Is there?

Please tell me, someday somewhere there someone, people, who can understand me well.
And today is the third day! Math! I'm ready \(^o^)/